A Good Scrub
I hang my life on a clothesline
Flag-marked with apparel.
Washed clean of my sins,
Assorted pieces, secured in place
With firm pegs.
Lest they fly away
Taking with them
Valuable shreds of evidence,
That I’ve indeed been chastised.
I’m averse to storing my sins
In the laundry basket
Because, in time, they give off
A vile odour, whose source
Can be traced back to me.
Make no mistake.
I wouldn’t deny having erred
Or broken the rules
Or crossed my boundaries.
But I dislike biased courtrooms,
Self-styled lawyers,
Poor judgments,
And naked spectacles.
So, at the end of each day
I take stock of my misdeeds
In complete seclusion,
Soak them in stinging detergent,
Dirty linen, in need of a good scrub,
And wring myself dry
Of hate, anger, jealousy, guilt,
Dust, grime, sweat, silt,
Life’s unwanted gifts.
Till purged, I wear a fresh face
And walk out into the world
Vulnerable to being sullied again.
- Archana Pai Kulkarni
beatiful poem,Archana